Man-in-the-Middle Attack against Object Detection

Han Wu, Sareh Rowlands, and Johan Wahlstrom

Is Deep Learning secure for Robots?

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Deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks.

To achieve real-time adversarial attacks, we need to solve two problems:

  • How to generate the perturbation? (The PCB Attack)
  • How to apply the perturbation? (The Man-in-the-Middle Attack)
Step 1: Generating the perturbation (The PCB Attack)

Prior Research                                                             Our Method


No learning rate decay                                                 With learning rate decay

Our method generates more bounding boxes, and have less variation.

The Universal Adversarial Perturbation (UAP)

Clear Noon (City - Train)


Clear Noon (Suburban - Test)

Hard Rain Sunset (City - Test)


Wet Cloudy Night (City - Test)

The UAP generalizes to different daytime, weathers and maps.

Step 2: Applying the perturbation (The Man-in-the-Middle Attack)

Is Deep Learning secure for Robots?

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